about noelle

Travel & Adventure

I met my wonderful husband through my best friend, who is also his cousin. He had been living in Houston and just moved back to Chicago. My friend slyly planned a meet and greet at her upcoming birthday party. I had seen some pictures of him and was really excited to meet him. But when Kevin showed up to the party he brought with him....a date! I was crushed! Several months later he reached out to my friend asking about me.

We love to travel and have new adventures. My hubby had a life goal to run with the bulls in Pamplona. Last summer we made it happen! It was such a thrilling and terrifying experience.

Bernese Mountain Dog

Life is Better With a Dog

That's my big fur baby, Kaiser. I have always had little dogs and I was kind of grossed out by the big slobbery drooling dogs. My husband had his heart set on a Bernese Mountain dog, but I didn't know much about the dogs except that they were big. In a million years I never thought I would be so in love with this huge dog.

When we got him as an 8 week old puppy, I knew he was super cute, but still wasn't sure about him. He cried all night long for days until we let him sleep with us. He woke us up every couple of hours to go out. And he put holes in all of my clothes! I fell in love with him while I was sitting outside at 3a one night. Hoping he would quickly go to the bathroom, so I could go back to sleep, he came and snuggled up in my lap. He melts my heart every day with the adorable things he does.

Love & the Beach

On your wedding day, focus on the joyous moments. Don't stress about every detail being perfect.

My hubby and I got married on a beach in Captiva Island, FL. The night before our wedding, I realized that my sparkly hair piece that I had excitedly bought months earlier was missing. Somehow while traveling to Florida, it ended up with my hubby. The day before our wedding he went golfing with the groomsmen and that is the last I saw of my beautiful headband.

The morning of our wedding, my hubby drove into town searching every bridal shop he could find for a new headband. He did find a replacement, not quite the same. When I think of it, all I remember is how sweet it was that he went dashing all over town for me. And how hilarious it was when he called the golf course to see if anyone had turned in a tiara. I'm guessing that's the first time they heard that!

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